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La Ermita Hotel
La Ermita Hotel
Viñales, Pinar del Rio
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from 53.00 €/night
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The Pinar del Río province, popularly regarded in the first half of the 20th century as "the Cinderella", appears before the eyes of today's visitors as a pure and discrete young lady that amazes every one owing to the splendor of her charms. A dazzling vision offers the orchid-growing facility of Soroa, where more than 700 species of orchids hang from the trees and offer, not only visual pleasure, but also constitute an important source for scientific research that will allow to develop techniques for the multiplication of these species and new ones.
The Viñales valley is one of the most splendorous regions of the province and has been proclaimed Natural National Monument.
Pinar del Río's nature is a succession of flora, fauna, and cavern systems like that of Palmarito, El Indio, El Abra del Ancón, La Sierra del Infierno, and others that appeal to the interest of the visitors. However, the most relevant attraction of the region is the fact that it grows the best tobacco in the world.
In the western portion of the Guaniguanico mountain range the visitor can be in touch with the Sierra del Rosario, Reserve of the Biosphere. It is precisely in that zone where the tourist center of Soroa is located. There, medicinal waters and waterfalls attract the visitor looking for the peaceful calmness.
The presence of ruins of French coffee-tree plantations constitutes a motif of interest.
An exceptionally interest tourist complex is that of Las Terrazas, located in the Sierra del Rosario.
Towards the north of the province is the protected zone "Mil Cumbres" (a thousand summits) treasuring a great deal of plants for all uses.
Pinar del Río westernmost region has achieved an unimagined spell for visitors. There, where the Guanahacabibes peninsula is located, the National Park and other natural reserves stand out. A coral reef allows practice of snorkeling and diving. These water sports find an ample space in this zone. There is located the beach of María La Gorda characterized by its fine sands and clear waters.
The keys Levisa and Julia and other archipelagos located to the south with islets like Sijú, Real, and Del Perro allow the tourist to opt for the most diverse landscapes and enjoy the healthful exercise.
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